WATERVILLE, MAINE – JUNE 03: Scenes for Reunion Weekend 2023 Saturday, June 3, 2023. (Photo by Knack Factory for Colby College)
Join Your Classmates

Become a Volunteer

A college is only as strong as its community. Thanks to the consistent and tireless dedication of our alumni network, Colby has managed to achieve the extraordinary. Together, we can build upon that momentum and push even further, daring ever northward. Our Class Volunteers lead the charge, galvanizing and inspiring fellow alumni. Join today and help make a lasting and meaningful impact.

Volunteer Interest Form
Get In Touch

Get Involved


  • Lead or co-lead engagement efforts for the class within the class committee.
  • Work closely with your class manager and gift chair to help lead the committee.
  • Participate in email threads, conference calls, and volunteer trainings.
  • Lend your thoughts and opinions to decisions about class engagement and fundraising efforts.
  • Edit class-based engagement communications (mailed and e-mail) on a regular basis.
  • Attend Colby meetings and events in your area whenever possible.
  • Encourage classmates to attend events throughout the year.
  • Be creative and engage your class with the College.
  • Select 10–15 classmates to contact and ask for their Colby Fund gift.
  • Lead by example, make your gift to the Colby Fund at a level that exemplifies personal leadership EARLY in the fiscal year. Asking classmates to “join” you lends strength and credibility to your outreach.
  • Keep up on Colby news.
  • Act as an ambassador of the College. Communicate Colby’s priorities, mission, and goals to the class.
  • Communicate with your Colby staff members—we are here to help!

Have fun! You’ll be renewing old friendships, making new ones, and maintaining long-established relationships, not to mention helping some remarkable students through your fundraising efforts. 

Time Commitment

  • The fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30.
  • Term: One year and it’s renewable.
  • Your efforts will be concentrated on three critical periods of the fiscal year: calendar year end, February for True Blue efforts that lead into Colby’s charter signing day, and the end of the fiscal year.

There is no one set time commitment. We will work with everyone’s schedules. 




  • Lead or co-lead fundraising efforts with the class committee.
  • Work closely with your class manager and president to help lead the committee.
  • Participate in email threads, conference calls, and volunteer trainings.
  • Lend your thoughts and opinions to decisions about class engagement and fundraising efforts.
  • Edit class-based fundraising communications (mailed and e-mail) on a regular basis.
  • Attend Colby meetings and events in your area whenever possible.
  • Encourage classmates to attend events throughout the year.
  • Be creative and engage your class with the College.
  • Select 10–15 classmates to contact and ask for their Colby Fund gift.
  • Lead by example, make your gift to the Colby Fund at a level that exemplifies personal leadership EARLY in the fiscal year. Asking classmates to “join” you lends strength and credibility to your outreach.
  • Keep up on Colby news.
  • Act as an ambassador of the College. Communicate Colby’s priorities, mission, and goals to the class.
  • Communicate with your Colby staff members—we are here to help!

Have fun! You’ll be renewing old friendships, making new ones, and maintaining long-established relationships, not to mention helping some remarkable students through your fundraising efforts. 

Time Commitment

  • The fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30.
  • Term: One year and it’s renewable.
  • Your efforts will be concentrated on three critical periods of the fiscal year: calendar year end, February for True Blue efforts that lead into Colby’s charter signing day, and the end of the fiscal year.

There is no one set time commitment. We will work with everyone’s schedules. 


  • Participate in email threads, conference calls, and volunteer trainings.
  • Lend your thoughts and opinions to decisions about class engagement and fundraising efforts.
  • Attend Colby meetings and events in your area whenever possible.
  • Encourage classmates to attend events throughout the year.
  • Be creative and engage your class with the College.
  • Select 10–15 classmates to contact and ask for their Colby Fund gift.
  • Lead by example, make your gift to the Colby Fund at a level that exemplifies personal leadership EARLY in the fiscal year. Asking classmates to “join” you lends strength and credibility to your outreach.
  • Keep up on Colby news.
  • Act as an ambassador of the College. Communicate Colby’s priorities, mission, and goals to the class.
  • Communicate with your Colby staff members—we are here to help!

Have fun! You’ll be renewing old friendships, making new ones, and maintaining long-established relationships, not to mention helping some remarkable students through your fundraising efforts. 

Time Commitment

  • The fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30.
  • Term: One year and it’s renewable.
  • Your efforts will be concentrated on three critical periods of the fiscal year: calendar year end, February for True Blue efforts that lead into Colby’s charter signing day, and the end of the fiscal year.

There is no one set time commitment. We will work with everyone’s schedules. 

Carmela Rossi, Director of Class Philanthropy and Engagement, [email protected]
Classes: 1974–1977, 2000–2002

Craig Sims, Associate Director of Class Philanthropy and Engagement, [email protected]
Classes: 1940–1973, 1978–1984, 1995–1999

Ben Roy, Associate Director of Class Philanthropy and Engagement, [email protected]
Classes: 1985 – 1994, 1992, 2003 – 2010

Jared McNair ’24, Assistant Director of Class Philanthropy and Engagement, [email protected]
Classes: 2011 – 2025